

Give away trees for €1 net: #Trees4Leads

For ten years now, we have been doing “market research that plants trees” with GreenAdz and planting trees as an incentive and small thank you for all participants in our studies, but also for everyone who wants to give their customers trees for €1 net.
What our role model, the search engine Ecosia achieves with “Search that plants trees”, we do above all with what we can do – market research: We always incentivize every participant in our online surveys with a tree donation as a thank you. At €1 per respondent, this costs significantly less than most people think, but not only results in better participation rates and more in-depth insights, but above all brings lasting joy, as we see time and again from the many positive reactions of our respondents.

Even beyond market research projects, we have been inspiring more and more companies to give away trees to their (potential) customers for €1 since 2017 under the hashtag #Trees4Christmascards. As an alternative to the classic Christmas card, this is not only good for the climate, but also costs less than the printing; and you can even save on postage.

Learn more in our blog article Give away trees for €1 instead of Christmascards: #Trees4Christmascards

With our new #Trees4Leads campaign, we want to draw attention to the fact that our 1-euro trees can also be used as a marketing incentive in a variety of ways: Whether as a thank you for a newsletter subscription as an alternative to expensive discount vouchers, as a birthday greeting for existing customers or as an incentive for online shoppers not to use their returns label or to reduce returns rates in online stores. Or to increase the average shopping basket value (although in our opinion, saving on returns is a more sustainable goal than further stimulating consumption).

Would you also like to plant trees for customers? Simply contact us, donate trees and let us know the number before or after your campaign. You will receive a tree certificate (and the invoice) within a few hours. Minimum order quantity 50 trees for 50,-€ net.

We currently have 110,327 trees in our forest in Zambia. Help us to break the 120,000 mark!

Curious or want to take action right away? Simply call the “hotline” +49 151-22632872 or send an e-mail to: Baumspender@GreenAdz.de

For more information read our blog post Trees4Leads – Leadgeneration (and hearts) with trees #trees4leads




How to measure the success of influencer campaigns with Brand Lift Studies

BrandUplift studies help to determine the ROI of influencer campaigns.

Influencer marketing is a good way for companies to reach their target group. Nevertheless, measuring the success of campaigns remains a challenge. As with all media types that reach a relevant advertising volume, the higher the revenues, the louder the call to secure investments with a reliable planning basis. Brand uplift studies can provide deeper insights into the advertising impact and make branding KPIs such as increasing brand awareness, campaign recall and image changes comparable to traditional campaigns.

For the emerging discipline of influencer marketing, GreenAdz is one of the pioneers in the industry and already in 2018 developed the “Influencer Performance Score” – IPS for short – an approach to prove the advertising impact of campaigns comparable to established methods; this was also the case for the influencer campaign of the pet food manufacturer Finnern for the Schmusy brand. The sustainable research approach of the market research company GreenAdz accompanied the campaign to prove the advertising impact.

For more information and download of the presentation including Influencer Marketing KPI Benchmarks go to our blog post Case Study Influencer Brand Lift Study for FMCG Brand and Cat Content

A detailed description of how to measure the advertising impact of influencer campaigns compared to traditional media can be found in the blog article Influencer Marketing ROI: Measuring the advertising impact and brand lift of influencer campaigns



Effectively measure brand lift from influencer marketing

30-minute webinar on our research approach to measuring the brand performance of influencer campaigns.

Do you have branding goals for your influencer marketing? Dr. Sandra Gärtner will present everything you need to know about implementing campaign-accompanying market research in influencer marketing in 30 minutes.

In this half hour you will learn:
1. how campaign-accompanying advertising effectiveness measurement works in influencer marketing
2. how you can apply the approach to your campaigns
3. insights from brand uplifts and results from other influencer marketing campaigns.

Register directly and free of charge for the next full hour or other short-term appointment at (in German):


Afterwards, you will know how to successfully measure branding KPIs in influencer marketing.

I look forward to meeting you – at least virtually!

If you would like me to present our BrandLift approach for proving the branding effect of influencer campaigns in a personal meeting in English, please feel free to contact me directly via email!

Best regards,

Dr. Sandra Gärtner


GreenAdz: Brand Lift Surveys for sustainably better customer experience in B2B and B2C

With our GreenAdz survey icon*, we reach your target group wherever they encounter your brand on the digital customer journey: On online ads, on the website, on landing pages, mobile, on moving images and on all displays.

And is more unobtrusive, respectful and yet more responsive than any annoying pop-up survey invitation. We combine a good customer experience with high efficiency, better results and last but not least: a good feeling.

Our surveys turn big data into smart data. They provide valuable insights into who you are reaching, what your customers want, and how your brand is performing.

To learn more about the process and how the GreenAdz survey icon works, see Invitation Technology here.

* Sometimes seen at the bottom left of this website, our icon helps motivate you to participate in our customer survey.

A tree for each feedback

Both the unobtrusive way of inviting the survey participants and the way of dealing with the interviewees are innovative – this is also found by our previous customers and tree sponsors:

GreenAdz plants one tree for each survey participant with our cooperation partner weforest.org in our own project in Zambia – you can see exactly where on our interactive webmap. In times of declining willingness to participate in surveys, we focus on excellent customer experience in surveys and meet users at eye level:

The GreenAdz icon with the promise “You give feedback – we plant a tree” is unobtrusive and yet achieves a significantly higher willingness to participate than usual pop-up surveys.
In combination with a good questionnaire, this leads not only to satisfied respondents, but also to significantly better samples and a sustainably good quality of results.
Why is this so? With our online surveys, people also participate who would otherwise never take part in surveys. And they do so gladly.
We were not only able to prove this in our study, but our previous projects also show this.

Your content can make a difference!? We prove it!

With our BrandPerformance Score (BPS), which is independent of the environment and marketer, it is possible for the first time to quickly and easily monitor the advertising success of branding performance values of an online campaign as well as all content marketing activities – and to do so continuously and in “real time” of the campaign and in benchmarking with other KPIs.

Integrated directly on (part of) your online campaign or landing page, the BPS provides a quick overview of:
  • Stakeholders / target group / personas:
    Are the right target groups being reached? How do the target groups perceive the website and the brand?
  • Branding / brand awareness / image:
    Is the content / advertising able to convey a clear, recognizable (brand) image and enter the active memory of the relevant stakeholders?
  • Activation / willingness to recommend / customer loyalty:
    Does the content create an above-average level of activation across online content usage

Insights, die Ihnen Klick- und Conversionraten nicht vermitteln – und das im Benchmark zu anderen Kampagnen sowie umfeldunabhängig, d.h. auch für programmatisch gebuchte Media-Kampagnen.

In addition to the BPS, the “Click Rate for Branding Advertising and Content Marketing”, we will give you specific optimization recommendations for your campaign on request.

Fully exploit the branding potential of your digital campaigns and use the BPS to measure the actual brand performance with the dimensions stakeholder, awareness, relevance and activation.
You can find out more about the BrandPerformance Score and advertising success optimization in a non-binding, personal discussion, send us an email!

Do you know who is using your website and why?

The integration of the GreenAdz icon on your website complements your web analytics with relevant customer insights from the people behind the data: We ask your customers about their brand perception, their expectations, relevant topics and to rate your content.

Both for larger advertisers, the integration of GreenAdz on different landing page variants provides deeper insights than classic A/B tests based on usage metrics such as click rates & Co.
Even for medium-sized companies that have so far only illuminated their website via web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, we help them understand what users expect from their website, what they look like socio-demographically, and how they perceive the brand in the context of the competition. In this way, we ideally complement web analytics numbers with what users are thinking.

Questions answered include:

  • Which target groups do I reach with my website? How do they perceive my brand and are their expectations met?
  • How can the design of the website or landing page be optimized to achieve my marketing goals?

Test us!

Optimize your campaign success with the right metrics – and don’t blindly trust click-through rates in various facets, because they say nothing about the branding impact and communication performance of your online media investments.
Neither does web analytics reporting provide an understanding of what your customers are thinking.
Put us to the test and gain deep customer insights into the impact of your online communication with a GreenAdz study project.

Request a quote now!

Invite your customers to surveys more RESPECTFULLY

You find our RESPECTful way of inviting to surveys also better than usual PopUp surveys? But you prefer to create your surveys yourself or already have a market research partner with whom you survey your customers? No problem – you can easily use our sustainable recruitment and incentive concept for your own online surveys. For only 1,-€ per participant (plus 299,-€ SetUp-Fee) you can unobtrusively invite your users to your surveys in the future and thank them with a tree donation. If you would like to incentivize your own customer surveys in the future with a tree sponsorship through us, even the SetUp fee is waived: You simply tell us in advance that you would like to thank the participants for a survey with trees and report to us afterwards the number of completes = one tree per complete for 1,-€.

We simply invoice you for the trees, order them, and you can soon see how they grow and thrive in our GreenAdz forest on our interactive webmap.
For more successful surveys, deeper insights and a lasting sympathetic impression on your customers.

Let’s get in touch!