Many thanks to our supporters and customers of our tree sponsorships!


Dr. Boje Rittich, Gynäkologe, Hamburg | Johannes Wollenberg – Beratung. Coaching. Supervision. | SK Coaching & Therapie | GIS-Akademie u.v.m. | and many, many privately given away trees.

Would you like to plant trees as well?

Our mission is to conduct good online surveys and to treat respondents with respect and as equals. Our vision is to plant as many trees as possible.

As there are many more people who want to plant trees compared to market research clients, there are now many more opportunities to plant trees with us:

  • Would you like to have more newsletter subscribers? Thank us for every new email contact with a €1 tree as a thank you.

  • Would you like to sell more products online? A campaign such as “We’ll plant a tree for the first 100 orders!” costs you just €100 net for the trees – added value for your store? Try it out!

  • Would you like to reduce your returns rate? Reward every unused returns label with a tree as a thank you – fewer returns pay off for you and the environment.

  • Would you like to say thank you with a tree every time you share a social media post? With #Share4aTree you can say thank you with trees for sharing or liking your social media activities

  • More participants for your surveys, of course! We are the experts for this: Are you looking for a service provider for your next online survey or study project? We always reward our respondents and your customers for their participation with a tree – for a higher response rate and better quality results. And enthusiastic participants. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Would you like to give trees as a birthday present for your employees or as a ##Trees4Christmascards? For €1 per tree, you can make employees and customers happy and order your tree contingent from us.

  • Would you like to thank your customers for completing a project by sponsoring a tree? For larger projects, you could even plant a small forest as a thank you.

  • Instead of sending a Christmas card, why not greet your customers this year with a “#Trees4Christmascards” – and if sent electronically, at one euro it’s even cheaper than printing and postage.

  • Would you like to offset your company’s carbon footprint with trees? Get in touch with us!
    We look forward to receiving your e-mail at

Request information package / buy tree sponsorships for €1 per tree (minimum order quantity: 50 trees)

Write us an e-mail and let's talk about your tree campaign!

Your contact person

Dr. Sandra Gärtner
Dr. Sandra GärtnerManaging Director GreenAdz GmbH & Co. KG and owner of

Market/media researcher with passion and a green soul

“We are market researchers with passion and a green soul: What the search engine does with search, we love to do with market research: We combine a better quality of results and higher response rates with a good a respectful customer experience. Everyone has a better feeling helping to do at least something against the climate crisis.”